Quitted with Holly Whitaker & Emily McDowell: Zach Anderson Quits Everything He Knows


Zach was raised to be a devout Mormon, with the belief that he could earn God’s favor if he could only be good enough. Obedient enough. Perfect enough. But Zach had a secret: he was gay, which meant his very existence was condemned by the church—and, so he believed, condemned by God. Zach’s specific story is about leaving Mormonism and its community; coming out at age 37 after a lifetime of being told that to be gay was the worst thing he could be; deconstructing his faith and relationship with God; letting go of perfectionism as a survival mechanism. But more broadly: this is a story about the process of leaving everything you know in order to become who you are, and the courage it takes to build a new life that costs you the entirety of your old one.


The Queer Athlete Podcast


This is Joy & Claire: How Are You, Really? Catching Up with Zach Anderson