Ryan K.

I have been a client with Zach since February 2019. I came in fearing carbs, working out as hard as possible every single day, a lack of understanding on how to properly listen to my body, and having an extremely poor perspective on what a healthy relationship with food and well-being was. Now, my life is a complete 180. I am crushing carbs (400/day), listen to my body physically, and understand how I can enjoy myself during life events without having to feel weeks worth of guilt for a single meal that isn't perfect. My relationship and overall health is SIGNIFICANTLY improved.

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This all started on my desire to become leaner, but obviously morphed into much more. After I leaned out, there was a maintenance phase, followed by a performance phase as I ran a half marathon, into a bulk phase, and back into performance for power lifting. I learned so much during each phase about what worked and what didn't work. Having guidance through multiple phases gave me immediate feedback, however, it also forced me to listen to my body and understand what was working and what was not. I first thought that my coach Zach would just tell me "eat this, not that" but it's so much more. I had to fine tune my diet to what worked best for me and my lifestyle, my digestion, and what phase I was in. It was what worked for me and so far from a cookie cutter program.

I also have SUCH a better understanding of what a quality relationship with food looks like. First, I feel like I have made significant progress in eliminating the 'restrict and binge' approach from my life. This was something I continuously struggled with prior to working with Zach. It was nothing for me to go 2-3 weeks having the perception that I was eating perfect, only to get to a weekend celebration and over consume to the point I was sick. It was as though my body thought it may be the last time I ever get cake, pizza, alcohol, etc. Now, I understand that there are no good foods or bad foods, and moderation is key for me to stay on course. The goal should always be to enjoy, but never kick the "Screw It Bucket" (we used a different term than screw lol!). I try to communicate this to my family and friends who believe the only way to lose weight or become more fit is to hire someone to plan every single calorie of their day. They miss out on SO much and it's a lesson I have learned the hard way.  

I am grateful for the insights, lessons, and knowledge that I've gained from Zach. It's taught me so much about myself, improved my relationship with food, and yes, put me in a better place aesthetically. A friend of mine who works within the fitness industry chatted with me on my experience and he couldn't agree more with what I shared. A good nutrition program is something you can move on from because that means it actually increased your knowledge and improved your relationship with food. It means that it isn't just a diet that you depend on to be successful in achieving a short term goal. If at some point you never develop the confidence to move on from the program, it's not a program, it's a fad diet. 

Zach captures all this and more!

It’s also important that I express how big of an impact my coach, Zach, had on my experience. One thing that stood out to me from the beginning was Zach's investment in me. From our first check in to the last, his responses were timely, extremely detailed and thorough. I could honestly tell that he read every single word in my check in and responded to any/all questions I had. I never, ever had any doubt in the investment he had in me. I truly felt like I was his only client even though I know he runs to the max with his overall client intake. This is a testament to how invested he was with my health and well-being. 

Another thing that made my time with Zach so productive and beneficial is how relatable he was. Beyond the fact we were both college athletes, often over-train, have struggled with some issues on coming out of a cut and being attached to the scale, etc... He was relatable in how he could convey his teachings and knowledge to me. Being in sports I have come across a lot of extremely knowledgeable coaches. The best, however, often aren't the smartest, rather they are the best communicators. They find ways to connect with their players and relate to each of them on an individual level. Zach checks both boxes and absolutely thrives at his ability to relate on an individual level. While I am a client, not a player, we always were dialed in on the same page because of the way he communicated and encouraged me. I always looked forward to his weekly feedback and would consistently check my phone to see if he had responded to my check-in. They were always relevant, always on time, and always impactful. 

Even more, I had a major promotion that required me to move to a new state where I knew nobody. Zach went to the next level and wrote me a handwritten letter of congrats and encouragement as I made the transition. In my check-ins, he was there for me and allowed me to discuss my stresses and the impact it could have on my health. To this day, I'm still touched by it. We had many discussions on life that were well outside of the nutrition/wellness realm. He's so much more than a coach, but a great friend that I know I can go to at any time if needed. 

This doesn't do Zach justice, but no words really can. My experience with him has been nothing short of wonderful. It's truly changed my life. Thank you for having Zach on staff and thank you for having such a wonderful program. 

With where I'm at, the improvements I've made, and my current goals, I am taking the next step in my health journey and going at it alone with the knowledge I have built up over the last 14 months. But I could very easily see myself back with Zach if I ever take on another serious competition or aesthetic show in my future. I also will undoubtedly recommend Zach to anyone who may be considering investing in a nutrition coach. It is worth every penny because the program goes so far beyond just macros/nutrition.