the butter dish with Heidi Bollard & Natalie DuLaney of butter your macros: weight loss isn't therapy

"when I lose the weight I'll feel better about myself"

"my weight is the problem"

"I'll be happy, confident, and more present when I lose these pounds"

"I'm not worthy at this weight"

Have you ever thought or uttered these sentences? We ALL have.

Because we believe that the smaller we are the more acceptable we are.

And the smaller we are the happier we are.

In this honest and vulnerable podcast we gab with the open and emotionally generous Zach on why when his life was falling apart he realized that losing weight wasn't going to fix it. We talk about our own therapy revelations, prioritizing mental health with physical health, how being in an emotional surplus can't be solved with a caloric deficit and more.


Health, Wellth & Wisdom with Nicole Hagen


Results Not Typical with Nikki Naab-Levvy: The Intersections of Diet Culture & Purity Culture